3-4. Results and discussion

3-4. Results and discussion

ここでは、Results and discussion(結果と考察)の書き方を紹介しています。

3-4. Results and discussion


Shown in Fig. 1 are the data from voltage measuremnts. Notice that the voltage appears to decrease linearly with increasing time at first although one expects to see non-linear behavior as saturation occurs. Because the voltage output from the pressure gauge is proportional to the hydrogen pressure in the reaction vessel, the following relation is obtained: ...(省略)... where V is the measured voltage, t is the time, k is the proportional constant, P is the hydrogen pressure, and V0 is the voltage at t=0. This means that the hydrogen absorption reaction proceeds at a constant rate early stages, whereas, as data indicate, at later stages it slows down with the hydrogen pressure approaching an asymptotic value determined by the thermodynamic equilibrium at a given temperature. This behavior can be expressed as follows: ...(省略)... where P0 is the initial pressure, Peq is the thermodynamic equilibrium pressure and τ is the time constant. The equilibrium hydrogen concentration dissolved in the metallic sample can be calculated from the pressure decrease in the reaction vessel. The resultant pressure-concentration-temperature curve is shown in Fig. 2.


○Shown in Fig. 1 are the data from ... ⇒ 同じ構文を繰り返さないように、このような表現も覚えておくと良い。
○Notice that ... ⇒ 「特筆に値するのは…」というぜひ覚えておきたい表現。
〇increase(decrease) linearly with increasing(decreasing) time ... ⇒ 「何かが増加(減少)するにつれて、何かも増加(減少)する」withに続く従属変数には、慣用的に冠詞theがつかない。
○proportional to ... ⇒ 「…に比例する」どちらの変数にも定冠詞がつくので注意。
〇whereas(while) ⇒ 「それに対して」という表現で、前後の内容を比較するときによく用いられる。



The intensities of X-ray at a different position as a function of time are shown in Fig. 1, compared with the intensity of the electron beam.


○position ⇒ この文章には小さな場所を表すspotのほうがより適切な表現。


The intensity of X-ray was measured as a function of time at several spots on the anode surface and the data are shown in Fig. 1. At these spots the electron beam intensity was also measured to be correlated to the X-ray intensity.



The solid circles in Fig. 1 correspond to AES measurements using a target just put in the vacuum chamber without any special cleaning such as annealing nor sputtering.


○The solid circles ... ⇒ 論文では、データの記述にグラフ上のシンボルを主語にすることはまずない。
○just ⇒ これは口語表現なので、科学論文中で「単に」あるいは「今…したばかり」という意味には使わない。
○without ... nor ... ⇒ このような英語表現はない。


The data shown in Fig. 1 are taken from samples that were not subjected either to surface cleaning or to annealing in vaccum prior to AES analysis.



In the case of sputtering induced by light ion, almost sputtered atoms are recoil atoms directly kick-offed by reflected light ions. In this mechanism, the preferentially sputtering is suppressed with increase of the kinetic energy of projectile ions.


○light ion ⇒ 単数なのに冠詞が付いていない。可算名詞の単数形を冠詞なしで使うことは、科学論文には慣用的用法以外はないと考えてよい。
○almost ⇒ 通常、過去分詞が続く場合には、「もう少しで…した」という意味になる。ここでの表現は、almost all of sputtered atomsとしなければならない。
○kick-offed ⇒ 完全な間違い。kick-offという表現はあるが、過去分詞にするのは動詞のkickの方である。


○the preferentially sputtering ⇒ 定冠詞が不要。科学論文では原則として、sputteringのような動名詞に(定)冠詞や副詞はまず付かないと覚えておくこと。
with increase of the kinetic energy of projectile ions ⇒ increase (decrease) with increasing (decreasing) ...の使い方を間違って使っている。


In the case of light ion sputtering, a large fraction of sputtered atoms are direct recoils knocked by projectiles. It has been reported that preferential sputtering is suppresed in such processes as the incident energy of projectiles increases.



Shown in Fig. 6 are the hydrogen diffusivity data taken in the present work and those reported by Roth et al[13]. The noticeable difference in activation energy is believed to be due to the graphite lattice structure. The specimens used in the present work are cut from pyrolytic carbon that, in theory, provides two distinctive paths for hydrogen diffusion, depending on the direction of permeation, resulting in two significantly different activation energies. In our experiments, hydrogen permeation measurements are conducted in such a way that the basal planes are penetrated, leading to a higher resistance for hydrogen diffusion. In contrast, Causey et al. [14] used an isotropic graphite material, which tends to allow hydrogen migration between planes with a relatively low diffusion resistance.


○the data taken in (from) ... ⇒ 「…で(から)取られたデータ」。takeは口語としてだけでなく、論文など堅い文章においても通用する。また、このtakeはobtainでも置き換えられる。
○data ⇒ 単数形のdatumが用いられることはまずない。
○believed to be due to ... ⇒ 「(恐らく)…のためだろうと信じられる」。100%の自信はないが、このためだろうという時に使われる。considered to be due to ...も同様の意味で用いられるが、こちらの方がやや強く自分の考えが表れている。
○in theory ⇒ 「理論的に、理論上…」という意味。
○resulting in ... ⇒ leading to ...と大体同じ意味。
○tend to ... ⇒ 「…する傾向がある」。